Water Hats
Taken with a fast enough shutter and a skilled photographer, a picture of someone getting water thrown at them can look as good as these. They might not be the most practical hats in the world but they're pretty damn cool looking!
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It's clothing with inappropiate slogans that there should be laws against their owners wearing. If your opinions can sometimes be offensive to certain people then the best thing to do is get a T-shirt with them printed on the front.
Comments: 0
You meet a different class of female at conventions. It breaks the ice about conversation starters - you already know they are into the same thing you are. Genius.
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If you're inclined towards OCD style behavior then this selection of images should sooth you, featuring all kinds of objects that slot together so well, it's as though they were made for each other.
Comments: 1,511
Ready for some cats with Nick Cage's face shooped on to them? Yeah, me too. Despite a laundry list of some pretty-dammed god-awful career decisions, the intenet really does love Nick Cage. Perhaps a little too much...
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A gallery for the true chauvinists among us. For guys who aren't quite comfortable looking at ladies unless they're in front of a cooker or building a delicious sammich for their man. OM NOM NOM NOM.
Comments: 2
I'm throwing a party and all these girls are invited! Come one, come all and bring your friends, as long as their idea of dressing up is to go out in a thong or micro-bikini. Let the good times roll.
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Do you fancy a whole heap of gross, maybe some distended man guts? Yeah, me too. Well get your Me Gusta face on because it's time for 40 of the best. These are the most swollen, hairy abdominal abominations you are ever likely to see. Enjoy.
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This set of pictures are brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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End of finals sorority parties are guaranteed to have lots of booze, lots of girls in their underwear and lots of outrageous behaviour. Sounds like great fun, so where the hell is my invite?
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If you're overweight and struggling to shift those extra pounds, you more than likely just need some inspiration. Here's a gallery full of girls who made the shift from fat to fit.
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