Water Hats
Taken with a fast enough shutter and a skilled photographer, a picture of someone getting water thrown at them can look as good as these. They might not be the most practical hats in the world but they're pretty damn cool looking!
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You know you have achieved advertising in it's purest form when copy is no longer necessary to promote the brand product that you are working on. There are some epic campaigns that words cannot describe.
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The pictures might be blurred, grainy, underlit and not at the best angles, but lets be honest here, we LOVE them all! The satisfaction of seeing a chick as she sees herself is something that cannot be missed!
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In a quest to boldly go where no chick has gone before, today's cuties will go to any extreme to create the perfect photograph worthy of any MySpace & Facebook profile - It's the most 'safe' fun you can have with your clothes off!?
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I wish I knew what bait to use to catch gorgeous beauties like these! Like they say, it's not the how deep you fish, it's how well you wiggle your worm!
Comments: 7
It's time to surrender to the best camera angle known to man or beast (or perv) - We've got big underbewbs, small underbewb, sidebewb, fullbewb & some peanut-tastic pretties that will leave you drooling :)
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These enterprising drug smugglers have decided to make a run for the border disguised as a 'Department of Transportation' car with enough contraband for one HELL of a party! - Cheech & Chong couldn't have done it better!
Comments: 3
When people are making out and someone takes a picture it's your duty to get in the back on that shot and pull a stupid face. If you don't you're letting society down.
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It's an important event in any young persons life that they try their hardest to get into college and do their best with their parents hard-earned cash. Not to study, but to have fun. And of course drink LOTS of beer. Lots.
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One of the few joys of living in New York has to be the cab rides, entrusting your wellbeing to a man who has a name on his taxi license that would, in any other situation, make you laugh so hard you'd wet yourself.
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After seeing these you could say that the definition of beauty is 'when you can go out without make-up and not be mistaken for a dude in a wig'. Most of these girls you could pass in the street and not have a clue who they were...
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