Cute Photographers Being Photographed
It's one thing to take pictures of cute girls. It's another to take pictures of cute girls who are taking pictures! I wonder if the girls taking the pictures of the cute girls taking pictures are cute......Confused yet?
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The world's best music festival has recently come & gone and tru to form it was an amazing event. Set in the heart of the English countryside, no event here is worthy unless it rains and there's lots and LOTS of mud. Epic.
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You may've thought your hair was pretty crap when you were younger, but it probably wasn't anywhere near as tragic as the ones on display here.
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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Yep, the cold realization of the fact it's Monday again. Still, it could be a lot worse - Psy launches Gangnam Style follow-up in South Korea & Thermonucleur war is a possibility in North Korea. What you need is some LOLZ of the pic kind.
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The similarities are amazing! I know dogs look like their owners, but these transcend that. Unfortunately, some of my ex-girlfriends resembled Jabba the Hutt, not just in looks but in size.
Comments: 59
Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn - If you have a friend with OCD and want to troll them real good, you could do worse than to copy some of these pranks.
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Two of the best things in life. Beautiful ladyfolk and delicious pig meat. Obviously a combination of the two would reach dangerous levels of awesome. Weather it's a lady wearing bacon sushi or a rasher tattoo, it's all golden.
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These wouldn't look out of place in a MC Escher print. Sure, there's nothing 'impossible' about them other than their complexity and the fact they're made out of sand, but they're still pretty damn impressive.
Comments: 143
OK, we posted cute animals the other day, so now it's time to move to the other end of the spectrum and see animals that are NOT so cute! Prepare to cancel your subscription to the World Wildlife Fund :(
Comments: 185
Another glorious Tuesday morning and if you're anything like me, another hangover from bank holiday Monday. There's only one thing that can bring the lolz back into your life; a collection of random internet funnyz!
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