Cute Photographers Being Photographed
It's one thing to take pictures of cute girls. It's another to take pictures of cute girls who are taking pictures! I wonder if the girls taking the pictures of the cute girls taking pictures are cute......Confused yet?
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Wacky, wild and crazy faces, i just love it that no two are the same and some are totally WTF!? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, in this case a picture is worth a thousand smiles!
Comments: 1
What the hell would we do on a Friday night if chicks weren't invented, can you imagine? Without mammaries of mass distraction man would probably work towards world peace!?
Comments: 0
Just like the world orbits around the sun and the seasons change, so do the days of the week eventually roll around to the dark winter of our discontent that is Monday. To help you pass through this difficult time we have laid on some LOLZ.
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You have to question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends. 'Where the hell did i go wrong', you may ask? Well, the usual suspects might just be your parents!?
Comments: 0
Something that's happened to all red blooded males with a pulse & GOD FORBID there might be someone around with a camera to record the event when it does! It's one gallery you can browse without questioning your sexuality.
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The wonderful thing about Facebook is the ability to troll and comment on your friend's intimate dirty laundry, so not only do your buddies find out, but all those people you've not spoken to since High School too.
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They say a smile can light up a room, but lets face it, if it also comes with an epic package like this then its time to put on your darkest shades and apply copious amount of sun-screen because these ladies are so hawt they will burn you!
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Oh the HORROR! A collection of high-performance vehicles that have been left abandoned at Dubai airport, left by rich people who think nothing of letting a car that costs more than some people's home, to rot.
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It's weird to think that in the age of iTunes & MP3 playes that some of the younger generation will have no idea what an LP album cover looks like, for the rest of us it was an age of fun and really getting into the music.
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There is NO doubt about it, this is probably one of the cutest chicks on the face of this Earth - She could make garbage look appealing!
Comments: 9