Egg Versus Vinegar
Apparently something rather perculiar happens if you put an egg in vinegar. It turns completely transparent and some how seems a lot less appealing to eat with thin strips of buttered toast. Weird.
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Nothing can stop these young whooper-snappers from conquering brave new worlds on their trusty mounts! Tomorrow's generation has NO fear!
Comments: 569
Stone cold foxes come in many different shapes and sizes. Thanks to this gallery I've now learned that they also come with a variable number of eyes. 2 or 4 is preferable but if she's hot enough she could even rock an eye-patch or monocle.
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Nature's always at it's best when it comes to the meeting of land & sea, talk to any surfer & they will explain in infinite detail the factors that come into play to construct the 'perfect' wave & all agree the tube is a work of beauty!
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Girls & guns, what better combo could there possibly be?. Not that it matters, there's something about a woman with a weapon, it instantly gives her attitude despite the fact she doesn't know how to take the safety off.
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It's clothing with slogans that there really should be laws against. If your opinions can sometimes be offensive to certain people then the best thing to do is get a T-shirt with them printed on the front.
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'Drool, drool everywhere & not a drop to spare!', that's how desperate things are for a dude when these chicks come out to play - All dressed up (and sometimes not) and everywhere to go - Thank you God for inventing babes!
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It just looks like a hive of scum and villainy or like something out of a Judge Dredd comic, but this city is actually for really realz. Densely populated and largely ungoverned, it is truly unique.
Comments: 43
As the old saying goes, "you don't look at the mantel when you're poking the fire", if you did you might drop your stroke & run screaming into the night. I guess you could avoid the horror with a brown paper bag, or better yet, a Halloween mask :(
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It's a scary thought but when you have a look, some of these guys scrub up pretty good as chicks, and then again, some of them still look like they have been hit with the BIG ugly stick!
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If only chicks were like clothes, you know, you could walk into a shop, pick out something that looks nice & go into a changing room to try it out for size. Of course you'd know how much it was gonna cost you before you bought it!
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