Water Hats
Taken with a fast enough shutter and a skilled photographer, a picture of someone getting water thrown at them can look as good as these. They might not be the most practical hats in the world but they're pretty damn cool looking!
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What would English painter George Dawe think if he knew that his classic paintings of Russian generals had been hijacked & their heads replaced by all manner of modern celebrities? Jobs, Pacino, Cruise & even Charlie Sheen!
Comments: 213
Time to wipe the cobwebs from your eyes and clear the hangover in your brain and face the cold realisation that the week has just been rebooted and Monday is here - Time for some pics to ease the pain.
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I'd put my 'chen' on her 'bund'. I honestly don't even know what that was supposed to mean. I think it was just meant to sound vaguely sexual. Yep. I want to do vaguely sexual things to this woman.
Comments: 1
Two of my favourite things on the planet together at last. And a few of them seem to actually know how to hold them. The question is can they handle guns this big? A few of them look like they've had lots of practice!
Comments: 6
In the name of internet efficiency, all of the unattractive players have been digitally removed - What you're left with is this cutie-concentrated selection of all of the most bootytastic bits of this beautiful game - Seen from the best angle :)
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As the summer (yes, it really does exist) draws nearer, one respite is that the clothes worn gets fewer and at last, those pale bits of our bodies were only consigned to areas of our body that rarely saw the sun come out to play.
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You've passed out due to one to many root beers and your friends have taken the liberty of abusing your comatose body. Most of this abuse you wouldn't want to be awake for but fear not, there will lots of photos.
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I'm not sure how many of these have accents or even how many have visited their ancestral homelands, but that doesn't matter because they are very cute. If they told me they were from Mars, that would be fine too.
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Sometimes you don't need any particular theme for a gallery other than just some beautiful women! I admit there's probably more photoshop represented here than actual women, but they are still nice to look at!
Comments: 65
So with the London looters safely back in their homes and normality restored it's time to look back and try to laugh. With all that free shopping they did it's time to do some 'shopping' of our own :)
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