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I'd Vote For Them!
You'd think with names like these, they shouldn't have even thought about going into politics. But despite being totally ludicrous, the public will probably vote for them just for a laugh. It worked for Boris Johnson.
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Some self-shooting showdown of epic proportions as rival phone pretties put on their best poses (and smallest outfits) to outdo the competition in a battle of the bewts. It's pretty much what smatphones were made for.
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Imagine life as just one big ocean, filled with cuties. All you have to do is dip in your rod and before long you'll get a nibble. Now if only things were as easy as that there would be no more wars and total world peace. Nice thought.
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Where would we be without our butts? Our trousers wouldn't stay up so well and sitting down wouldn't be as fun, if we didn't have them galleries like this would be impossible. So, release your inner baboon and enjoy some butts.
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It's always a good idea to get behind something that takes your interest, that you can put all of your efforts into & enjoy the fruits of your labours. Personally i make sure that i always have multiple causes to get behind.
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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These girls seem to enjoy giving thong wedgies & the recipients seem to enjoy it too?? In a dude's world a wedgie done properly = blood and sh#t on your underwear & social death!
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Another gargantuan dump freshly squeezed from our internet orifice and flung directly into your eyes through via your LCD monitor. If you enjoy random images with a LOL level of over 9000, look no further.
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One of the fringe benefits of being a motorcycle racer is the attraction of beautiful hotties! These girls just love those crotch-rockets!
Comments: 167
Another Batch Of Awesome artworks: Chinese film posters, Olly Moss and Tom Whalen's Avengers posters, Oscar posters in Lego, Pokemon art, a Drive pic we liked and Norman Rockwell's The Tatto Artist with Optimus Prime by Marco D'Alfonso
Comments: 348
Remember some of your favorite characters from childhood? Well, prepare for them to be turned into twisted demons and freaks in this series that will certainly rape your childhood of any decent remaining memories.
Comments: 9