Hot Comic-Con Chicks!
There's something magically beautiful about the mixture of hot chicks, nerdy costumes and tons of cleavage! Thank god for Comic-Con!
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Sometimes temptation is too much for some people. If your current girlfriend is slim, active and only eats one salad leaf a day - respect her - it takes a lot of will-power to avoid the lure of burgers & fries as these relapses reveal.
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Ahhh, body shots, nature's way of letting us all taste the sweet nectar of alcohol the way it was intended to be drunk. No need for glasses, just use the nearest cute chick and offer to lick up any mess from her afterwards!
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Do you ever have one of those moments in life when things don't go quite to plan and out of nowhere a fairly safe and ordinary situation turns bad very quickly, leaving you in a world if FAIL. These are those moments.
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Laptops are great, but you know what's even better? Ladies. As this gallery illustrates combining the two ups the awesomeness to giddying new heights. Stay tuned for next week's gallery: Ladies On Laptops Eating Bacon!
Comments: 314
No photo is safe, they've gone too far, targetting innocent civilian photos. These are not just photobombers they are professionals, ruining photo's at will. OH THE HUMANITY. Sign me up to the war on photobombers.
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Well, strangely enough we all do! While we spend less & less time watching TV and more & more time on the interwebs, we are inadvertently missing out on some classic LOLZ in the form of news titles taken out of context.
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Females, sometimes there's no logic to them, however much you try to rationalize it, the best thing is to let them get on with it (if it involves interaction with you), whatever it is the hell they think they're doing?
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Ahhh, where would we be without our comrades from the land of the hammer, sickle and so much 'WTF!?!' it's incredible. Where the rest of the world operates in one particular way, you can rely on Russia to do it differently.
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DAMN NATURE, YOU BEAUTIFUL! A collection of some amazing animal shots. From a dew covered ladybug clinging to a leaf to a massive elephant lumbering across the savannah at sunset.
Comments: 5
When it comes to photography, the difference between a yawn-tastic photo & sublime awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed into total abstract wonder before your very eyes.
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