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Super Furry Technology
The world just became a much more cuddlier place, furries of the world, rejoice! It's this years 'MUST HAVE', It features a pair of fluffy ears that automatically react to your brain activity while you eat donuts.
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Remember everyone, 'Small' is beautiful - This little linebacker makes a hit so hard on the running back that it almost looks fake. WOW!
Comments: 1
Not only is this a great model of an F16, but it flies too. Oh and the pilot is Captain Camera-Head, so when it touches down it'll be loaded with great footage from it's flight. How freaking cool is that!?
Comments: 0
If you're the kind of pyromaniac that counts down the days until fireworks night/4th of July, this little video should be of interest. I have no idea how it's made or where to get one, but I totally wanna find out.
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Driving in Russia is a very different experience to driving anywhere else in the world. The main thing to remember is; mirror, signal, bludgeon, firearm. Either that or just let someone else do the driving. Way safer.
Comments: 6
Science is cool, ok, so it might be a complete biatch to learn what you need to learn to make it through college, but never lose sight of the fact that….it really is COOL!
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You can't beat a good fight with the boss at the end of a movie, and Bollywood doesn't disappoint here. All movies should end like this. They almost make high heels on guys look cool. Almost.
Comments: 3
This guy rotates his tires every six thousand miles... no matter where he is.
Comments: 5
After one fleeting date this poor fella gets a seemingly endless torrent of cray-cray texts from his bunny boiling one-night-standee. Nothing quite says DESPERATE like banging on someone's door shouting that nobody makes you smile like they do...
Comments: 3
The boy wizard takes a turn to the dark side of headbangers and puts a devil sign up to Hogwarts as this black-haired guitar demon shreds the fuck out of the Harry Potter song.
Comments: 4
If you thought that television programming had already hit rock bottom with The Jersey Shore, you'd be wrong. TLC's latest little gem of a show removes the dignity of deaths embrace in the name of entertainment.
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