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Backflip Off Swing With A Nut Shot FAIL!
This kid bets his friend 5 bucks that he can jump off a swing and over his friend while completing a full backflip. The dude on the ground won the $5 but probably doesn't feel very happy about the win. Definitely a 'Lose-Lose' situation.
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Known as the ‘Gobfather’ Byron Schlenker, along with his teenage daughter, have the widest tongues on the planet.
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A tiny dwarf hamster called Chicken explores a handmade playground and dares you not to find it cute and adorable even though you usually hate these kinds of videos—you'll powerless with this one, so just enjoy it.
Comments: 1
Ever wondered what it looks like when a glock 22 is fired underwater? Personally, I wasn't even sure it would fire. I mean, I know you can shoot underwater in video games but that's hardly conclusive. This video, however, IS.
Comments: 8
Someone has taken the time and effort to demake the audio from a battlefield 3 gameplay video into glorious 8-bit. The only thing it's missing now is some NES-tastic graphics to go with the audio.
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Trying a death-defying jump over the Tour de France cyclists as they ride by is some serious show-stealing dumbness. The guy went to the hospital after this and he almost died! Definite Darwin candidate.
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First Commercial For The Delicious 'Aunt Wang Syrup' and it's directed by Tyler the Creator and is pretty much the weirdest thing you're going to see or probably for the rest of the week. Just watch it.
Comments: 2
These guy really knows how to get a crowd riled up at the old folks' home! However, he should probably lay off the ecstasy just a bit.
Comments: 2
Need to vent your frustrations by going on a freeway killing spree? There's an app for that. NSFW language, by the way.
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Lais Ribeiro is her name and inspiring innumerable teenage hormone turmoil is her game. No granny bloomers here, just cute cotton panties worn by a woman who's pertness is enough to make a grown man cry.
Comments: 194
If you look too closely at this girl's yearbook photo, it's not just her face smiling back at you...
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