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Chest Bump FAIL!
In the world of sport FAIL is king! Female athletics just took two steps forward and a massive shoulder to the chest backwards. Proof that babes & alcohol do not mix well!
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This dude had no chance at clearing the fence but tossed in a front flip to at least pick up some points for style.
Comments: 130
If you get car-jacked--although here's hoping you never do--then don't panic because you never know, that hardass g-star with a semi automatic might just be satisfied with some sticky, delicious honey.
Comments: 0
This is why, when out and messing around with machines you know nothing about, it's very important that you read the sign -- and understand it -- before sticking your finger in any cavity. This guy is paying the price.
Comments: 4
Driving up steep hills is difficult for smaller cars, as this driver is about to find out in this parking lot. What happens after the crash is the best part of the whole failed dcriving experience.
Comments: 2
And the award for father of the year goes to.... this guy. Well if he had caught the ball maybe, but he dropped it just like his daughter.
Comments: 38
Are you an EXTREME sports junkie who loves living life to the fullest & going to red carpet movie events? Do you have no fear, no limits, mad gymnastics skills, and Tom Ford's Face? Then you need to become a stuntman (or woman)
Comments: 6
I LOVE this, the build-up is soo perfect, you know it's coming, you know it's gonna be bad, but MY GOD, when it comes, it never stops! Spewing on a roller coaster is a pretty nasty thing to do!
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A beauty queen in a life raft, adrift at sea, guided by a penguin. Darkly surreal!
Comments: 1
Rud Vanistleroy gets mocked by an opposing player for missing a penalty, and then celebrates a subsequent goal in kind. Unfortunately for him the Ref doesn't see the awesome side and gives him a yellow card.
Comments: 2
This Buffalo Bills fan figures that someone associated with the team should be experiencing embarrassing losses. He's now 0-3, having lost his equilibrium, dignity, and consciousness.
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