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Rave Toilet!
This is the coolest toilet I've ever seen! I'm only left wondering why it's taken so long for someone to come up with this idea. Break out the ecstasy, grab some toilet paper and lets go PARTY!!!
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Forget the Boston Tea Party. The morning commute can be a little tiresome but these guys have come up with a way to liven things up a little. Behold the Boston Party Trolley. What a way to commute!
Comments: 1
Note to self: if you see a dune buggy attached to a parachute falling out of the sky, run the other way. Thankfully, NO serious injuries after this one.
Comments: 7
Time was young boys wanted to be spacemen, cowboys or arctic explorers. No more, now the geek rules and they want to be an Information/Software/Whatever engineers calculating Calculus. You’ve got to love the math.
Comments: 0
Most normal reviewers would shy away from just giving Halo 4 a 10/10 score and proclaiming it as the game of the year. Not fitzthistlewits. He'll do just that while stuffing his face with Doritos and Mountain Dew.
Comments: 1
Okay so he's not THAT Mr Miyagi, but he's still pretty damn awesome. He's very skilled, has incredible balance and skates in a unique way to boot. Not that fast, but technical and picks awkward spots to skate.
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This is really a fine example of 'hitting the bottle' and the damage alcohol can do to your boby! - I hope he took a page out of Ivan Drago's book and at least tried to say, 'I must break you.'
Comments: 3
His voice is now probably 3 octaves higher.. LOL
Comments: 2
I'm not a parent, but I know not to let my toddler just waddle around an area where people are flying around on zip-lines. Lucky for these people, this toddler is just fine.
Comments: 3
A group of paramedics rush to assist and injured player off the field but end up dropping him on his head.
Comments: 3
They might be a natural drug, rather than synthetic, but just how do magic mushrooms alter brain chemistry? AsapSCIENCE takes a look at what this psychotropic drug does.
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