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Line Drive Shatters Pitchers Knee Cap
Amazingly, Vandy pitcher Corey Williams takes a vicious shot to the knee and still finishes the play.
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Most Asian adverts don't make a whole lot of sense but they're sure to make you watch until the very end precisely because of that WTF factor. So there's something to be said for incomprehensibility.
Comments: 1
You can only imagine who she's entertained in her bedroom with that pole, that's what I imagine anyway. I can while away hours, even days, at a time pondering such things. It keeps me entertained :)
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Street artist Callejero Dibujando does a Bruce Lee drawing, but as you watch it you'll probably think it looks nothing like the martial art legend—but just wait until the end of the video and you'll see.
Comments: 1
Apparently, there is crying in baseball.
Comments: 276
Stallone is pulling no punches with his sequel. He wrote the script on the back of a napkin and blew the entire budget getting everyone who'd ever made a film to put their names down. It's going to be soooooo cool!
Comments: 2
A beginning gymnast lands in possibly the worst position, right on his neck. Luckily, he recovered quickly.
Comments: 1
It's just a matter of time before we become their slaves - Every time a cat opens a door, they come one step closer to enslaving humanity. Be thankful they don't have opposable thumbs....yet!
Comments: 1
This mini fridge beer canon robot is pretty cool. I sincerely hope that building a hot chick robot is next on his list. Then he'll have a party on his hands.
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A compilation of some of the most incredibly awesome videos that are on the web. From sporting achievements to people pushing the limits of human endeavour. Also, there is probably some parkour in here somewhere.
Comments: 3
Some things make you mind boggle! When you see yourself looking this wide, it's got to make you want to get back in the gym-- even if you're Santa Claus.
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